airline ticket agent
American Security Council
anti-communist projects Golden Fang(schooner) involved in (7)
Arbolada Savings & Loan
Arrepentimiento (real estate development)
Artesia Crips (gang)
Aryan Brotherhood (gang)
airline ticket agent
harassed at the airport by Doc Sportello (18)
American Security Council
- produced a report on the nefarious activities of the Golden Fang (schooner) that was discovered by Gotcha! Searches (7)
anti-communist projects
Golden Fang (schooner) involved in (7)
Arbolada Savings & Loan
bank used by the Chryskylodon Institute (8, 15)
sends blood money to El Drano (15)
Mickey Wolfmann holds a controlling interest in (8, 15)
Gotcha! Searches has access to (4, 21)
used by Sparky and Doc to access Trillium Fortnight’s hospital records (21)
Arrepentimiento (real estate development)
developed and owned by Mickey Wolfmann (5), who planned to give it away for free (14)
place of exile for Riggs Warbling (14), who had been designing meditation spaces (“zomes”) for (5, 14)
Artesia Crips (gang)
formerly included Tariq Khalil as a member (1)
Aryan Brotherhood (gang)
includes Boris Spivey as a member (9, 13, 16)
Chick Planet Massage serves as a PX (retail store) for (6)
includes Glen Charlock as a member (1); Glen Charlock was a former member (6, 9, 14, 18); assigned El Huevoncito’s murder to Glen Charlock (16); murdered Glen Charlock (18)
provides protection for Mickey Wolfmann (1, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16)
contracted by prison gangs Nuestra Familia and Surenos to murder El Huevoncito (16)
includes Puck Beaverton as a member (9, 13, 14, 16, 18)
chased away from Channel View Estates by Vigilant California the day Mickey disappeared (12)
Asymmetric Bob
lead vocalist with Spotted Dick (band) (9, 11)
Attorney General
trying to bring murder charges against Adrian Prussia (15)
lover of Clancy Charlock and Thorndyke (9)
works at Chick Planet Massage (2, 6, 9, 10)
works at Club Asiatique (9)
lover of the guitarist (unnamed) from Spotted Dick (band) (9)
friend and colleague of Jade (9, 10)
Jason Velveeta believes he is her pimp (10)
groupie with Spotted Dick (band) (12)
Bay of Pigs
received weapons delivered by the Golden Fang (7)
Beaverton, Puck
works for Adrian Prussia (13, 16); is subcontracted by Adrian Prussia to kill Vincent Indelicato (18)
member of the Aryan Brotherhood (9, 13, 14, 16, 18)
ex-lover of Clancy Charlock (13)
former tenant of Delwyn Quight (13, 15)
Doc Sportello is looking for (13, 14); murdered by Doc Sportello (18)
murdered Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd (18)
lover of Einar (13); former lover of Einar (14, 18)
likely collecting El Drano’s debt to Adrian Prussia (13)
is being investigated by FBI agents Borderline and Flatweed (13)
traded shifts with Glen Charlock the day Glen was killed (14, 15); warned Glen Charlock that the Aryan Brotherhood is after him (18)
self-identifies with the Golden Fang (18)
bodyguard for Mickey Wolfmann (9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18)
owes money to Osgood (13)
married to Trillium Fortnight (14, 15, 18)
murdered Vincent Indelicato (18)
Beer (band)
includes Elfmont, Huey and Lefty as members (2)
includes Scott Oof (2, 9, 17, 20) as a member
Belaying Pin (restaurant)
employs Chlorinda as a waitress (7)
groupie with Spotted Dick (band) (9)
Bjornsen, Bigfoot
revered as a “badass” by Vigilant California member Art Tweedle (13)
acts in TV ads for Channel View Estates (1, 2, 12); possibly connected with Vigilant California’s raid on Channel View Estates (13)
married to Chastity Bjornsen (15, 18)
investigating the disappearance of Coy Harlingen (9, 12)
trying to get Doc Sportello to draw attention to the Prussia-Indelicato case (16); nemesis of Doc Sportello (20)
investigating the death of Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd (12, 13, 15)
pursuing the family of four (unnamed) who are Golden Fang operatives (19)
investigating the murder of Glen Charlock (9)
served by waiter Kenchiro (13)
extorting profits from Kozmic Banana (9)
detective with the LAPD (1, 5, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19)
investigating the disappearance of Mickey Wolfmann (2, 3, 5, 6); possibly taking bribes from Mickey Wolfmann (6); friend of Mickey Wolfmann (9)
rival of Pat Dubonnet at the LAPD (2, 3)
probable connection with Vigilant California (13)
former LAPD partners with Vincent Indelicato (5, 16, 18)
Bjornsen, Chastity
married to Bigfoot Bjornsen (15, 18)
Black Guerrilla Family (prison gang)
formerly included Tariq Khalil as a member (1)
Blatnoyd, Dr. Rudy
his death is being investigated by Bigfoot Bjornsen (12, 13, 15)
provided Coy Harlingen with new teeth (17)
his murder was probably ordered by Crocker Fenway as revenge for “corrupting” his daughter (19)
partner in, and dentist with Golden Fang Enterprises (11, 12, 13); former partner in, and dentist who worked for Golden Fang Enterprises (16, 17, 18, 19)
delivers drugs to a mansion guarded by Heinrich (11)
lover of Japonica Fenway (11); ex-lover of Japonica Fenway (18, 19)
murdered by Puck Beaverton (18)
was hired by Vigilant California to provide Coy Harlingen with new teeth (17)
lover of Xandra (11)
transacting Golden Fang business with Cookie and Joaquin (6)
trafficking counterfeit U.S. currency (8)
works for Golden Fang (6, 8)
Golden Fang colleague of Iwao (6)
Boards (band)
formerly included Coy Harlingen as a sax player (2); their entourage includes Coy Harlingen (2, 6, 9, 13, 15); Coy Harlingen wants to play saxophone with them again (17); Coy Harlingen performs with (20)
trash Denis’s apartment (12)
hosting the English band Spotted Dick (9, 10, 12)
once performed with Trillium Fortnight (13)
Borderline, Hugo (FBI agent)
investigating the relationship and activities of Cookie, Joaquin, Lourdes Rodriguez, and Motella Haywood (6)
pursues Doc Sportello (14)
fellow agent of FBI agent Flatweed (6)
investigating Puck Beaverton (13)
investigating Tariq Khalil (6)
Branch, Farley
filming environmental abuse at Channel View Estates (7)
provides Doc Sportello with film of Vigilant California’s assault on Channel View Estates (12)
filmed the murder of Glen Charlock (9, 20)
friend of, and fellow environmentalist with Spike (7, 9)
Breeze, Elmina
sister of Aunt Reet (1, 8, 12)
mother of Doc Sportello (1, 8, 12, 20)
mother of Gilroy Sportello (8)
married to Leo Sportello (8, 20)
friend of Oriole (20)
aunt of Scott Oof (20)
sings at the Nine of Diamonds (casino) (13)
Castro, Fidel
the Golden Fang (schooner) ran a spy mission against (7)
C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency)
the Golden Fang (schooner) ran heroin for (7)
Channel View Estates
Bigfoot Bjornsen acts in TV ads for (1, 2, 12); he might be connected with Vigilant California’s raid on Channel View Estates (13)
adjacent to and probably connected with Chick Planet Massage (10)
Farley Branch is filming the environmental abuse on this development (7)
developed and owned by Mickey Wolfmann (1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, 20)
raided by Vigilant California (13)
Charlock, Clancy
lover of Aubrey and Thorndyke (9)
acquaintance of Boris Spivey (13)
sister of Glen Charlock (9)
ex-lover of Puck Beaverton (13)
lover of Tariq Khalil (16)
Charlock, Glen
member of the Aryan Brotherhood (1); was assigned El Huevoncito’s murder by the Aryan Brotherhood (16); former member of the Aryan Brotherhood (6, 9, 14, 18); murdered by the Aryan Brotherhood (18)
his murder is being investigated by Bigfoot Bjornsen (9)
brother of Clancy Charlock (9)
his murder was caught on film by Farley Branch (9, 20)
arranged an arms deal with the Golden Fang (16)
bodyguard for Mickey Wolfmann (1, 2); former bodyguard for Mickey Wolfmann (6, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20)
traded shifts with Puck Beaverton the day Glen was killed (14, 15); was warned by Puck Beaverton that the Aryan Brotherhood was after him (18)
owes money and arms to Tariq Khalil (1, 2, 16); subcontracted El Huevoncito’s murder to Tariq Khalil (16)
promised to supply arms to Warriors Against the Man Black Armed Militia (18)
Chatfield, C.C.
principal at Hardy, Gridley & Chatfield (20)
Chick Planet Massage
served as a PX (retail store) for the Aryan Brotherhood (6)
Bambi works at (2, 6, 9, 10)
adjacent to and probably connected with Channel View Estates (10)
laundering money from the Golden Fang heroin cartel (10)
Jade works at (2, 6, 9, 10)
possibly owned by Mickey Wolfmann (2, 18)
neighbour of Denis (17)
waitress at the Belaying Pin (restaurant) (7)
Chryskylodon Institute
client of Arbolata Savings and Loan (8, 15)
treats Coy Harlingen for his heroin addiction (12, 17)
likely related to the Golden Fang: “chryskylodon” is Greek for “golden fang” (8, 11, 12, 17)
provided rehab to Japonica Fenway (11)
treating Kimberly (12)
reprograms Mickey Wolfmann to remove his philanthropic leanings (12, 14, 15); he was here the night before he disappeared (11)
employs an orderly (unnamed) who wears Mickey’s “Shasta” tie (12)
employs a psychiatrist (unnamed) (12)
Sloane Wolfmann endowed a new wing to (5, 8, 11, 12, 14)
employs Dr. Threeply as associate director (12)
married to Art Tweedle (12)
Club Asiatique
Bambi works at (9)
Coy Harlingen collects his pay cheques at (6, 9)
Jade works at (6)
site of Golden Fang transactions (11)
Coast Guard
pursuing the Golden Fang (schooner) (20)
comic (unnamed)
performs at Nine of Diamonds (casino) (13)
transacting Golden Fang business with Blondie-San and Iwao (6)
his relationship and activities with Joaquin, Lourdes Rodriguez, and Motella Haywood are being investigated by FBI agents Borderline and Flatweed, and Penny Kimball (6)
trafficking counterfeit U.S. currency with Joaquin (6)
lover of Motella Haywood (6)
trafficking counterfeit U.S currency with Joaquin (8)
counterfeit U.S. currency
trafficked by Blondie-San (8)
FBI is profiting from (16)
carried aboard the Golden Fang (schooner) (8, 16)
being investigated by Hardy, Gridley & Chatfield (16)
being investigated by Sauncho Smilax (16)
engaged to Boris Spivey (9, 13, 16)
deceased detective
See Indelicato, Vincent
his apartment is trashed by the Boards (band) (12)
neighbour of Chico (17)
friend of Doc Sportello (1, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19)
served by Smilin’ Steve at the drug store (1)
District Attorney
rival of the FBI (16)
possibly colluding with the LAPD to cover up Adrian’s murders (16)
employs Penny Kimball as a junior DA (15, 16)
employs Rhus Frothingham as a deputy DA (16)
married to Petunia Leeway (20)
Downstairs Eddie
friend and neighbour of Doc Sportello (8, 10, 15)
Drybeam, Fritz
former colleague of Doc Sportello (4, 7, 12, 15, 18, 21); is owed money by Doc Sportello (21)
colleague of Gladys (7)
works for Gotcha! Searches (4, 7, 12, 15, 21)
colleague of Milton (4)
colleague of Sparky (12)
Dubonnet, Pat
Bigfoot Bjornsen’s rival at the LAPD (2, 3)
likely a former colleague of the deceased detective (Vincent Indelicato) (5)
reveals to Doc Sportello that Bigfoot Bjornsen is too friendly with Mickey Wolfmann to investigate Mickey’s disappearance without “impaired judgement” (3)
informed Hope Harlingen of Coy Harlingen’s “death” (2, 3)
employed as a detective by the LAPD (5)
formerly a tenant of landlord Delwyn Quight (13)
lover of Puck Beaverton (13); ex-lover of Puck Beaverton (14, 18); best man at Puck Beaverton’s and Trillium Fortnight’s wedding (14)
formerly a tenant of landlord Delwyn Quight (13)
El Drano
owes money to Adrian Prussia (13)
receives blood money from Arbolada Savings & Loan (15)
supplied Coy Harlingen with a “lethal” dose of heroin (2, 13, 15, 17)
former roommates with Pepe (15)
his debt to Adrian Prussia is likely being collected by Puck Beaverton (13)
involved with Vigilant California in staging Coy’s “death” (17)
El Huevoncito
murdered by Tariq Khalil (16)
member of Beer (band) (2)
Ensenada Slim
friend of Doc Sportello (1, 2, 7, 15)
friend of Flaco the Bad (7)
friend of St. Flip (7)
friend of Zigzag Twong (7)
explains Puck Beaverton’s and Einar’s slot-hustling scheme to Doc Sportello (13)
Fairfield, Vehi
delivers Kamukea to Doc Sportello via LSD (7, 14, 20); reveals Shasta to Doc Sportello via LSD (17)
sees demigod spirit-guide Kamukea while tripping on acid (7)
spiritual teacher of Sortilège (7, 14, 20)
family (unnamed)
pursued by Bigfoot Bjornsen (19)
this mom, dad, son, and daughter are operatives for Golden Fang (19)
Fazzo, Fabian
chief operating officer of Kismet Lounge and Casino (14)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
profiting from counterfeit US currency (16)
rival of the District Attorney (16)
sent Mickey Wolfmann to the Chryskylodon Institute to be reprogrammed (18)
Fenway, Crocker
arranges Coy Harlingen’s freedom from Vigilant California (and whoever runs them) (19)
previously hired Doc Sportello to find his runaway daughter, Japonica Fenway (17); arranges the return of the stolen Golden Fang heroin with Doc Sportello (18); makes a deal with Doc Sportello to give Coy Harlingen his freedom in exchange for returning the stolen Golden Fang heroin (19)
fixer for the Golden Fang (18, 19)
father of Japonica Fenway (11, 18, 19)
opposes Mickey Wolfmann’s Channel View Estates development (19)
married to Mrs. Fenway (19)
probably ordered the Golden Fang murder of Rudy Blatnoyd as revenge for “corrupting” his daughter, Japonica Fenway (19)
arranges Coy Harlingen’s freedom from Vigilant California (and whoever runs them) (19)
Fenway, Japonica
was in rehab at the Chryskylodon Institute (11)
daughter of Crocker Fenway (11, 18, 19) and Mrs. Fenway (19)
pulled over by LAPD police for driving without headlights (11)
lover of Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd (11); ex-lover of Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd (18, 19)
Fenway, Mrs.
married to Crocker Fenway (19)
mother of Japonica Fenway (19)
Flaco the Bad
friend of Doc Sportello (1, 7, 15)
friend of Ensenada Slim (7)
friend of St. Flip (7)
friend of Zigzag Twong (7)
Flatweed (FBI agent)
investigating the relationship and activities of Cookie, Joaquin, Lourdes Rodriguez, and Motella Haywood (6)
pursues Doc Sportello (14)
fellow agent of FBI agent Borderline (6)
investigating Puck Beaverton (13)
investigating Tariq Khalil (6)
Fortnight, Trillium
Doc Sportello and Sparky access her hospital records via ARPAnet (21)
once performed with the Boards (band) (13)
helps Doc Sportello find Puck Beaverton (13)
dances with Osgood to learn the whereabouts of Puck Beaverton (13)
married to Puck Beaverton (14, 15, 18); beaten up by Puck Beaverton (18)
Frothingham, Rhus
works for the District Attorney (16)
colleague of Penny Kimball at the District Attorney’s office (16)
Furies (band)
open for Spotted Dick (band) (10)
secretary for Gotcha! Searches (7)
colleague of Milton (7)
Golden Fang
see also Golden Fang Enterprises, Golden Fang heroin cartel, and Golden Fang Holding Co.
is involved with Adrian Prussia (16)
employs Blondie-San (6)
conducts business and carries out financial transactions at Club Asiatique (11)
smuggling counterfeit U.S. currency (16)
employs Crocker Fenway as a fixer (18, 19)
employs an family of four (unnamed) as operatives (19)
arranged an arms deal with Glen Charlock (16)
likely related to Golden Fang Enterprises (8, 16, 19)
likely owns the Golden Fang (schooner) (6, 18)
being investigated by Hardy, Gridley & Chatfield (16)
employs Iwao (6)
Puck Beaverton self-identifies with (18)
being investigated by Sauncho Smilax (16)
Golden Fang Enterprises
see also Golden Fang, Golden Fang heroin cartel, and Golden Fang Holding Co.
likely related the the Chryskylodon Institute (“chryskylodon” is Greek for “golden fang”) (8, 11, 12, 17)
Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd is a partner in, and dentist who works for (11, 12, 13); Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd was formerly a partner in, and dentist who worked for (16, 17, 18, 19)
likely related to the Golden Fang (8, 16, 19)
probably connected with the Golden Fang heroin cartel (12)
took out an insurance policy on the Golden Fang (schooner) (8); Likely owns the Golden Fang (schooner) (17)
employs Xandra as a receptionist (11)
Golden Fang heroin cartel
see also Golden Fang, Golden Fang Enterprises, and Golden Fang Holding Co.
laundering money through Chick Planet Massage (10)
Jade is “in way too deep with” (10)
Jason Velveeta warns Doc about (12)
likely related to Golden Fang Enterprises (12)
probably connected with Golden Fang Holding Co. (10)
possibly connected with Mickey Wolfmann (10)
Golden Fang Holding Co.
see also Golden Fang, Golden Fang Enterprises, and Golden Fang heroin cartel
probably connected with Golden Fang (heroin cartel) (10)
probably connected with the Golden Fang (schooner) (10)
Golden Fang (schooner)
subject of a report by the American Security Council (7)
involved in anti-communist projects (7)
delivered weapons to the Bay of Pigs (7)
formerly owned by Burke Stodger (7, 17)
ran heroin for C.I.A (7)
pursued by the Coast Guard (20)
carrying a cargo of counterfeit U.S. currency (8)
ran a spy mission against Fidel Castro (7)
likely owned by the Golden Fang (6, 18)
Golden Fang Enterprises took out an insurance policy on (8, 17);
probably connected with Golden Fang Holding Co. (10)
being investigated by Gotcha! Searches (7)
being investigated by Hardy, Gridley & Chatfield (7)
being investigated by the Justice Department (8); pursued by the Justice Department (20)
Mickey Wolfmann was a passenger aboard (7, 10, 17, 18)
employs Porfiro, a cook (17)
being investigated by Sauncho Smilax (8); Sauncho Smilax takes out an insurance policy on (20)
Shasta Hepworth was a passenger aboard (7, 17)
carried out surveillance work for U.S. government agencies (7)
the ship’s evil is exorcised by a Zen exorcist (18)
Gotcha! Searches
discovers a report on the Golden Fang prepared by the American Security Council (7)
has access to ARPAnet (4, 21)
formerly employed Doc Sportello (4, 12, 21)
employs Fritz Drybeam (4, 7, 12, 15, 21)
employs Gladys as a secretary (7)
investigating the Golden Fang (schooner) (7)
employs Milton as a bookkeeper (4, 7)
employs Sparky (12, 15, 21)
provides Doc Sportello with information about Vigilant California (12)
guitarist (unnamed)
lover of Bambi (9)
member of Spotted Dick (band) (9)
Hardy, Gridley & Chatfield
C.C. Chatfield is a principal at (20)
investigating the Golden Fang (schooner) (7) and its relationship to the counterfeit US currency (16)
employs Sauncho Smilax (2, 7, 20)
Harlingen, Amethyst
daughter of Coy Harlingen and Hope Harlingen (6, 10, 12, 17)
Harlingen, Coy
father of Amethyst Harlingen (6, 10, 12, 17)
his disappearance is being investigated by Bigfoot Bjornsen (9, 12)
used to play sax with the Boards (band) (2); part of their entourage (2, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15); wants to play with them again (17); performs with them (20)
his relationship with Vigilant California was arranged by Burke Stodger (20)
receiving treatment for his heroin addiction at Chryskylodon Institute (12, 17)
collects his pay cheques at Club Asiatique (6, 9)
his freedom from Vigilant California is arranged by Crocker Fenway (19)
hires Doc Sportello to get info on his family (6, 8, 9, 10)
received new teeth from Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd (17)
obtained a “lethal” dose of heroin from El Drano (2, 13, 15, 17)
married to Hope Harlingen (2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 17)
employed as an informant by the LAPD (9, 17, 19)
employed as an informant by P-DIDies and Red Squad (8)
friend of Shasta Hepworth (2, 6, 8, 20); ex-lover of (20)
employed as an informant by Vigilant California (8, 9, 10, 17, 19); released from his employment with Vigilant California (20)
Harlingen, Hope
mother of Amethyst Harlingen (6, 10, 12, 17)
married to Coy Harlingen (2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 17)
hired Doc Sportello to find Coy Harlingen (6, 10)
learned of Coy Harlingen’s “death” from Pat Dubonnet (2, 3)
received money from Vigilant California after Coy Harlingen “died” (17)
Haywood, Motella
lover of Cookie (6)
friend of Doc Sportello (6)
her relationship and activities with Cookie, Joaquin, and Lourdes Rodriguez are being investigated by FBI agents Borderline and Flatweed, and Penny Kimball (6)
friend and fellow stewardess of Lourdes Rodriguez (6)
security guard at the mansion where Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd delivers drugs (11)
Hepworth, Shasta
friend of Burke Stodger (20)
friend of Coy Harlingen (2, 6, 8, 17); put Coy Harlingen in touch with Burke Stodger (17); ex-lover of Coy Harlingen (20)
ex-lover of Doc Sportello (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 20) her disappearance is being investigated by Doc Sportello (2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11)
passenger aboard the Golden Fang (schooner) (7, 17)
lover of Mickey Wolfmann (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11) ; ex-lover of Mickey Wolfmann (15, 17, 20)
she and Penny Kimball discuss Doc Sportello at a hair salon (17)
friend of St. Flip (17, 20)
member of Beer (band) (2)
Indelicato, Vincent (“deceased detective” and “mystery cop”)
his murder was arranged by Adrian Prussia at the request of the LAPD (15, 16)
former LAPD partner of Bigfoot Bjornsen (5, 16, 18)
former member of the LAPD (5, 15, 18)
possibly former colleague of Pat Dubonnet (5)
murdered by Puck Beaverton (18)
sister of Adolfo (13, 14, 18)
cousin of Antonio “Bugs” Ruiz (18)
wife or girlfriend of Tito Stavrou (11, 13, 14)
Golden Fang colleague of Blondie-San (6)
transacting Golden Fang business with Cookie and Joaquin (6)
works for the Golden Fang (6)
friend of Ashley (18)
friend and colleague of Bambi (9, 10)
works at Chick Planet Massage (2, 6, 9, 10)
friend of Chico (18)
works at Club Asiatique (6)
friend of Denis (18)
friend of Doc Sportello (18)
“in way too deep with” the Golden Fang heroin cartel (10)
Jason Velveeta believes he is her pimp (10)
dating Trevor “Shiny Mac” McNutley (10)
friend of Doc Sportello; prints Doc Sportello’s business cards (5)
Jefferson, Thomas
gives advice to Doc Sportello (16)
transacting Golden Fang business with Blondie-San (6)
trafficking counterfeit U.S. currency with Cookie (6)
his relationship and activities with Cookie, Lourdes Rodriguez, and Motella Haywood are being investigated by FBI agents Borderline and Flatweed, and Penny Kimball (6)
transacting Golden Fang business with Iwao (6)
lover of Lourdes Rodriguez (6)
Justice Department
investigating Golden Fang (schooner) (8); pursuing the Golden Fang (schooner) (20)
investigating the Golden Fang with Sauncho Smilax (8)
demigod spirit-guide who appears in Doc’s acid trip and reveals Shasta aboard the Golden Fang (schooner) (7)
demigod spirit-guide who appears to Vehi Fairfield while Vehi is tripping on acid (7)
Keeley, Mrs.
taught Doc Sportello in the first grade (16)
waiter serving Bigfoot Bjornsen (13)
owner of Kozmic Banana (9)
Khalil, Tariq
former member of Artesia Crips (gang) (1)
former member of Black Guerrilla Family (gang) (1)
being investigated by FBI agents Borderline and Flatweed (6)
lover of Clancy Charlock (16)
hired Doc Sportello to find Glen Charlock (6)
murdered El Huevoncito (16)
seeks repayment of debt from Glen Charlock (1, 2) ; Glen Charlock subcontracts El Huevoncito’s murder to Tariq Khalil (16)
fears the Red Squad and P-DIDes (16)
was in prison with Sledge Poteet (1)
member of Warriors Against the Man Black Armed Militia (gang) (16)
Kimball, Penny
investigating the relationships and activities of Cookie, Joaquin, Lourdes Rodriguez, and Motella Haywood (6)
works for the District Attorney (15, 16)
lover of Doc Sportello (1, 2, 6, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18)
colleague of Lagonda at the District Attorney’s office (6)
colleague of Rhus Frothingham at the District Attorney’s office (16)
she and Shasta Hepworth discuss Doc Sportello at a hair salon (17)
receiving treatment at the Chryskylodon Institute (12)
Kismet Lounge and Casino
takes Doc Sportello’s bet that Mickey didn’t stage his own kidnapping (14); pays out on Doc Sportello’s bet on Mickey’s kidnapping (20)
employs Fabian Fazzo as chief operating officer (14)
employs Lark as a singer (14)
offered odds on Mickey Wolfmann’s kidnapping (14); Mickey Wolfmann makes a deal with the Justice Department to become an active partner in the Kismet Casino (14, 20)
Knucklehead Jack’s
restaurant owned by Mrs. Pixley (9)
Kozmic Banana
its profits are being extorted by Bigfoot Bjornsen (9)
owned by Kevin (9)
colleague of Penny Kimball at the District Attorney’s office (6)
employed as a singer at Kismet Lounge and Casino (14)
Leeway, Petunia
wife of Dizzy (20)
receptionist for Doc Sportello (1, 6, 9, 12, 16, 20)
receptionist for Dr. Buddy Tubeside (1, 9, 16, 20)
member of Beer (band) (2)
lost land that Sortilège is obsessed with (11)
LAPD colleague of Bigfoot Bjornsen (5); informing on Bigfoot Bjornsen to the LAPD (5)
Linus’s Tavern
employs a bartender named Mercy (20)
LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department)
members are borrowing money from Adrian Prussia (15, 18); employs Adrian Prussia as a contract killer (18); covering up Adrian Prussia’s murders (15, 18); hires Adrian Prussia to kill Vincent Indelicato (18)
employs Bigfoot Bjornsen as a detective (1, 5, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19)
involves Boris Spivey in their cover-up of Adrian Prussia’s murders (16)
employs Coy Harlingen as an informant (9, 17, 19)
deceased detective (Vincent Indelicato) was a member of (5)
possibly colluding with the District Attorney to cover up Adrian Prussia’s murders (16)
working with real-world Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner Dr. Thomas Noguchi (15)
traffic cop pulled Japonica Fenway over for driving without headlights (11)
Lester is an LAPD member who is informing on Doc Sportello (5)
mystery cop (Vincent Indelicato) worked for (15)
employs Pat Dubonnet as a detective (5)
Sloane Wolfmann hosts a party for (5)
employs Vigilant California as its civilian militia (9, 12, 19)
Vincent Indelicato was a former detective with (18)
lover of Doc Sportello (9)
maid and lover of Mickey Wolfmann (5, 9); ex-lover of Mickey Wolfmann (17)
maid and lover of Sloane Wolfmann (9); ex-lover of Sloane Wolfmann (17)
serves Doc Sportello at Zucky’s restaurant(21)
works at Zucky’s restaurant (7, 21)
owner of Resurrection of the Body (auto repair shop) (11)
McNulty, Trevor “Shiny Mac”
lover of Jade (10)
bass player with Spotted Dick (band) (9)
works at Linus’s Tavern (20)
owner of Teke (restaurant) (11)
colleague of Fritz Drybeam (4)
colleague of Gladys (7)
bookkeeper for Gotcha! Searches (4, 7)
dog belonging to Spotted Dick (band) (9)
mystery cop
see Vincent Indelicato
Nine of Diamonds (casino)
employs Carmine as a singer (13)
employs a comic who is not named in the novel (13)
employs Zirconia (13)
Noguchi, Dr. Thomas
real-world Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner working with LAPD (15)
Nuestra Familia (prison gang)
rival of Surenos (prison gang) (16)
Oof, Scott
son of Aunt Reet (2, 8)
member of Beer (band) (2, 9, 17, 20)
cousin of Doc Sportello (2, 9, 20)
nephew of Elmina Breeze and Doc Sportello (20)
orderly (unnamed)
Chryskylodon Institute employee wearing Mickey’s “Shasta” tie (12)
friend of Elmina Breeze (20)
is owed money by Puck Beaverton (13)
reveals Puck Beaverton’s whereabouts to Trillium Fortnight (13)
former roommate of El Drano (15)
Pixley, Mrs.
owner of Knucklehead Jack’s (restaurant) (9)
pornographer and pimp (unnamed)
murdered by Adrian Prussia at the request of the LAPD (18)
P-DIDies (Public Disorder Intelligence Division)
employs Coy Harlingen as an informant (8)
feared by Tariq Khalil (16)
cook working on the Golden Fang (schooner) (17)
Poteet, Sledge
was in prison with Tariq Khalil (1)
neighbour of Art Tweedle (12)
member of Vigilant California (12)
Prussia, Adrian
the Attorney General is trying to charge him with murder (15)
murdered by Doc Sportello (18)
loaned money to El Drano (13)
involved with the Golden Fang (16)
loaning money to the LAPD (15, 18); contract killer for the LAPD (18); was hired by the LAPD to kill Vincent Indelicato (18); the LAPD covers up Adrian’s murders (18)
arranged the murder of the mystery cop (Vincent Indelicato) at the request of the LAPD (15, 16)
murders an pornographer and pimp (unnamed) at the request of the LAPD (18)
employs Puck Beaverton (13, 16); subcontracts Puck Beaverton to kill Vincent Indelicato (18)
employs a receptionist who is not named in the novel (18)
loaned money to Tito Stavrou (11)
psychiatrist (unnamed)
works at Chryskylodon Institute (12)
Quight, Delwyn
former landlord of Einar and Puck Beaverton (13, 15)
receptionist (unnamed)
works for Adrian Prussia (18)
Red Squad
employs Coy Harlingen as an informant for (8)
feared by Tariq Khalil (16)
Reet, Aunt
aunt of Doc Sportello (2, 11, 12)
sister of Elmina Breeze (1, 8, 12)
mother of Scott Oof (2, 8)
Resurrection of the Body (auto-repair shop)
repairs Doc Sportello’s car (11)
owned by Manuel (11)
repairs Tito’s limousine (11)
Rodriguez, Lourdes
friend of Doc Sportello (6)
lover of Joaquin (6)
friend and fellow stewardess of Motella Haywood (6)
her relationship and activities with Cookie, Joaquin and Motella Haywood are being investigated by FBI agents Borderline and Flatweed, and Penny Kimball (6)
Ruiz, Antonio “Bugs”
cousin of Adolfo and Inez (18)
St. Flip
friend of Doc Sportello (7, 15, 17, 20)
friend of Ensenda Slim (7)
friend of Flaco the Bad (7)
friend of Shasta Hepworth (17, 20)
friend of Sortilège (7)
friend of Zigzag Twong (7)
Schiffler, Mr.
taught Doc Sportello P.E. in high school (18)
Smilax, Sauncho
attorney of Doc Sportello (2, 7, 8, 15, 16, 18, 20)
investigating the connection between the Golden Fang and the counterfeit US currency (16)
investigating the Golden Fang (schooner) (8); takes out an insurance policy on Golden Fang (schooner) (20)
works for Hardy, Gridley & Chatfield (2, 7, 16, 20)
investigating the Golden Fang (schooner) with the Justice Department (8)
Spivey, Boris
member of Aryan Brotherhood (9, 13, 16)
acquaintance of Clancy Charlock (13)
engaged to Dawnette (9, 13, 16)
part of the LAPD’s cover-up of Adrian’s murders (16)
bodyguard for Mickey Wolfmann (9, 13, 16)
mother-like figure in Doc Sportello’s dream (12)
keyboardist with Spotted Dick (band) (9, 12)
Smilin’ Steve
serves Denis at the drug store (1)
friend and former employee of Doc Sportello (1, 2, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20)
obsessed with the lost world of Lemuria (11)
friend of St. Flip (7)
lover of Spike (1, 7, 9, 11)
student of spiritual teacher Vehi Fairfield (7, 14, 20)
colleague of Fritz Drybeam (12)
works for Gotcha! Searches (12, 15, 21)
friend and fellow environmentalist of Farley Branch (7, 9)
lover of Sortilège (1, 7, 9, 11)
Sportello, Doc
murders Adrian Prussia (18)
harasses airline ticket agent at airport (18)
friend of Ashley (18)
nephew of Aunt Reet (2, 11, 12)
Bigfoot Bjornsen is trying to get Doc to draw attention to the Prussia-Indelicato case (16); Bigfoot Bjornsen is his nemesis (20)
is pursued by FBI agents Borderline and Flatweed (14)
friend of Chico (18)
hired by Coy Harlingen to find information about his family (6, 8, 9, 10)
previously hired by Crocker Fenway to find his runaway daughter, Japonica Fenway (17); arranges the return of the stolen Golden Fang heroin with Crocker Fenway (18); makes a deal with Crocker Fenway to give Coy Harlingen his freedom in exchange for returning the Golden Fang heroin (19)
shares an office with Dr. Buddy Tubeside (1)
friend of Denis (1, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)
friend and neighbour of Downstairs Eddie (8, 10, 15)
son of Elmina Breeze (1, 8, 12)
friend of Ensenada Slim (1, 2, 7, 15)
learns from Ev about Puck Beaverton’s and Einar’s slot-hustling scheme (13)
receives Farley Branch’s film of Vigilant California’s assault on Channel View Estates (12)
former Gotcha! Searches colleagues with Fritz Drybeam (4, 7, 12, 15, 18); owes money to Fritz Drybeam (21)
brother of Gilroy Sportello (8, 12, 20)
took Vehi Fairfield’s acid, which revealed Shasta aboard the Golden Fang (schooner) (17)
former employee of Gotcha! Searches (4, 12, 21)
hired by Hope Harlingen to find her husband Coy (6, 10)
friend of Jade (18)
friend of Jake, a commercial printer (5)
has an acid trip in which Kamukea appears and reveals Shasta aboard the Golden Fang (schooner) (7)
places a bet at Kismet Lounge and Casino that Mickey Wolfmann didn’t stage his own kidnapping (14); receives payout of his Kismet Lounge and Casino bet on Mickey Wolfmann’s kidnapping (20)
son of Leo Sportello (8, 12)
friend of Lourdes Rodriguez (6)
lover of Luz (9)
served by Magda at Zucky’s restaurant (21)
investigating the disappearance of Mickey Wolfmann (3, 4, 5, 10, 11)
friend of Motella Haywood (6)
learns from Pat Dubonnet that Bigfoot Bjornsen is too friendly with Mickey Wolfmann to investigate Mickey’s disappearance without “impaired judgement” (3)
was taught by Mrs. Keeley in the first grade (16)
lover of Penny Kimball (1, 2, 6, 8, 15, 17, 16, 18)
employs Petunia Leeway as a receptionist (1, 6, 9, 12, 20)
looking for Puck Beaverton (13, 14); murders Puck Beaverton (18)
gets his car repaired at Resurrection of the Body (11)
friend of St. Flip (7, 15, 17, 20)
client of Sauncho Smilax (2, 7, 8, 15, 16, 18, 20)
was taught P.E. in high school by Mr. Schiffler (18)
cousins with Scott Oof (2, 9, 17, 20)
dreams of a mother-like figure named Shannon (12)
ex-lover of Shasta Hepworth (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 20); investigating her disappearance (2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11)
friend and former employer of Sortilège (1, 2, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20)
hired by Tariq Khalil to find Glen Charlock (6)
receives advice from Thomas Jefferson (16)
friend of Tito Stavrou (11, 13, 14, 15, 18)
is helped by Trillium Fortnight in his search for Puck (13)
Vehi Fairfield delivers Kamukea, his spirit-guide, to Doc via LSD (7)
received acid from Vehi Fairfield that revealed a demigod spirit guide called Kamukea (14); received acid from Vehi Fairfield that revealed Shasta (20)
friend of Zigzag Twong (7)
learns from Zirconia that Puck Beaverton worked for Mickey Wolfmann (13)
Sportello, Gilroy
brother of Doc Sportello (8, 12, 20)
son of Leo Sportello and Elmina Breeze (8, 12, 20)
married to Vernix (20)
Sportello, Leo
brother-in-law of Aunt Reet (12)
father of Doc Sportello (8, 12, 20)
married to Elmina Breeze (8, 20)
father of Gilroy Sportello (8, 12, 20)
uncle of Scott Oof (20)
Spotted Dick (band)
includes lead vocalist Asymmetric Bob (9, 12)
entourage includes groupies Bhodi (9), Zinnia (9), and Bambi (12)
guests of the Boards (band) (9, 10, 12)
their opening act is the Furies (band) (10)
includes a guitarist (unnamed) (9)
has a dog named Myrna (9)
includes keyboardist Smedley (9, 12)
includes bass player Trevor “Shiny Mac” McNulty (9, 10)
Stavrou, Tito
brother-in-law of Adolfo (13, 14, 18)
owed money to Adrian Prussia (11)
friend of Doc Sportello (11, 13, 14, 15, 18)
husband or boyfriend of Inez (11, 13, 14)
occasional chauffeur for Mickey Wolfmann (11)
gets his limo repaired at Resurrection of the Body (11)
Stodger, Burke
arranged Coy Harlingen’s relationship with Vigilant California (20)
former owner of Golden Fang (schooner) (7, 17)
friend of Shasta Hepworth, who asked Burke to find help for Coy Harlingen (17, 20)
member of Vigilant California; arranged Coy’s relationship with Vigilant California (17, 20)
Surenos (prison gang)
rival prison gangs with Nuestra Familia (16)
Surenos and Nuestra Familia contracted El Huevoncito’s murder to the Aryan Brotherhood (16)
Teke (restaurant)
owned by Mike (11)
lover of Aubrey and Clancy Charlock (9)
Threeply, Dr.
associate director of Chryskylodon Institute (12)
Tubeside, Dr. Buddy
shares an office with Doc Sportello (1)
employs Petunia Leeway as a receptionist (1, 9, 16, 20)
Tweedle, Art
reveres Bigfoot Bjornsen as a “badass” (13)
married to Cindi (12)
neighbours with Prescott (12)
member of Vigilant California (12, 13, 20)
U.S. government agencies
employed the Golden Fang to carry out out surveillance work (7)
Velveeta, Jason
trying to pimp Bambi (10)
warns Doc Sportello about the Golden Fang heroin cartel (12)
trying to pimp Jade (10)
married to Gilroy Sportello (20)
Vigilant California
includes Art Tweedle as a member (12, 13, 20)
chased the Aryan Brotherhood away from Channel View Estates the day Mickey Wolfmann disappeared (12)
probably related to Bigfoot Bjornsen (13)
includes Burke Stodger as a member (17, 20); Burke Stodger arranged Coy Harlingen’s relationship with Vigilant California (17)
conducted a raid on Channel View Estates (13)
employs Coy Harlingen as an informant (8, 9, 10, 17, 19 20)
hires Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd to provide Coy Harlingen with new teeth (17)
involved with El Drano in staging Coy Harlingen’s “death” (17)
Gotcha! Searches provides Doc Sportello with information about (12)
sent Hope Harlingen money after Coy Harlingen “died” (17)
civilian militia for the LAPD (9, 12, 19)
includes Prescott as a member (12)
Warbling, Riggs
designs zomes (meditation spaces) for Arrepentimiento (5, 14); in exile at Arrepentimiento (14)
is employed by Mickey Wolfmann to design zomes (meditation spaces) for Mickey’s Arrepentimiento real estate development (1, 5, 6, 7, 9); is stealing from Mickey Wolfmann (1, 5, 6); wants to kill Mickey Wolfmann (14)
lover of Sloane Wolfmann (1, 5, 6, 7, 9); ex-lover of Sloane Wolfmann (14)
Warriors Against the Man Black Armed Militia (WAMBAM)
was promised a supply of arms by Glen Charlock (18)
includes Tariq Khalil as a member (16)
Wolfmann, Mickey
holds a controlling interest in Arbolata Savings and Loan (8, 15)
owner and developer of Arrepentimiento real estate development (5, 14)
receives protection from Aryan Brotherhood (1, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16)
his disappearance is being investigated by Bigfoot Bjornsen (2, 3, 5, 6); is possibly bribing Bigfoot Bjornsen (6); friend of Bigfoot Bjornsen (9)
receives protection from Aryan Brotherhood member Boris Spivey (9, 13, 16)
owner and developer of Channel View Estates (1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, 20)
possibly owns Chick Planet Massage (2, 18)
was at the Chryskylodon Institute the night before he disappeared (11); being reprogrammed by the Chryskylodon Institute to remove his philanthropic leanings (12, 14, 15)
his Channel View Estates real estate development is opposed by Crocker Fenway (19)
his disappearance is being investigated by Doc Sportello (3, 4, 5, 10, 11)
sent to the Chryskylodon Institute by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (18)
receives protection from Aryan Brotherhood bodyguard Glen Charlock (1); received protection from Aryan Brotherhood bodyguard Glen Charlock (2, 6, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20)
possibly connected to the Golden Fang heroin cartel (10)
was a passenger aboard the Golden Fang (schooner) (7, 10, 17, 18)
makes a deal with the Justice Department to become an active partner in the Kismet Lounge and Casino (14)
becomes an active partner in the Kismet Lounge and Casino (14)
employer and lover of Luz, who is also his maid (5, 9, 17); ex-lover of Luz (17)
receives protection from Aryan Brotherhood member Puck Beaverton (9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18)
employs Riggs Warbling to design zomes for his Arrepentimiento real estate development (1, 5, 6, 7, 9); Riggs Warbling is stealing from Mickey (1, 5, 6); Riggs Warbling wants to kill Mickey Wolfmann (14)
lover of Shasta Hepworth (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11); ex-lover of Shasta Hepworth (15, 17, 20)
married to Sloane Wolfmann (1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 17)
occasionally hires Tito as a chauffeur (11)
Wolfmann, Sloane
endowed a new wing to the Chryskylodon Institute (5, 8, 11, 12, 14)
hosts a party for the LAPD (5)
was the lover of Luz, who is also her maid (9, 17)
married to Mickey Wolfmann (1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 17)
lover of Riggs Warbling (1, 5, 6, 7, 9); ends her affair with Riggs Warbling (14)
lover of Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd (11)
employed by Golden Fang Enterprises as a receptionist (11)
Zen exorcist (unnamed)
exorcises evil from Golden Fang (schooner) (18)
Zigzag Twong
friend of Doc Sportello (7)
friend of Ensenada Slim (7)
friend of Flaco the Bad (7)
groupie with Spotted Dick (band) (9)
works at Nine of Diamonds (casino) (13)
tells Doc Sportello that Puck Beaverton worked for Mickey Wolfmann (13)
Zucky’s (restaurant)
employs Magda as a waitress (7, 21)