Doc receives a mysterious postcard from Shasta that leads him to Golden Fang Enterprises Inc. headquarters. There he meets, and snorts cocaine with, Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd.
Soon, Japonica Fenway shows up at Blatnoyd’s office. Japonica’s wealthy father had once hired Doc to retrieve his runaway daughter whereupon she was committed to the expensive Chryskylodon rehab facility. Japonica has escaped Chryskylodon (again) and is now dating the much older Dr. Blatnoyd.
Japonica drives Blatnoyd on a drug delivery (probably cocaine) to a mansion in a gated community. Doc and Denis tag along. Blatnoyd doesn’t return from the drop-off, however, so Japonica, Denis, and Doc drive away.
Doc’s chauffeur friend Tito tells him the following secret: the night before Mickey Wolfmann disappeared, Mickey phoned Tito and asked him to pick him up at the Chryskylodon Institute. Tito waited for a couple of hours but Mickey never showed up.
Tito explains to Doc that “Chryskylodon” is Greek for “golden fang.”

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