Doc meets Crocker Fenway at his private club. Crocker facetiously denies that that he ordered the Golden Fang murder of Rudy Blatnoyd as revenge for sleeping with his daughter, Japonica Fenway.
Doc offers the return of the stolen Golden Fang heroin in exchange for Coy Harlingen’s freedom from employment with Vigilant California.
Doc learns that Crocker Fenway tried to prevent Mickey Wolfmann from building Channel View Estates because of “class hatred”—hatred of the people who would occupy the homes and thereby lower Crocker’s own property values.
The Golden Fang operatives sent to retrieve the stolen heroin are a family of four: a boy of six, a girl of eight, and their wholesome, white, all-American parents. Doc hands off the heroin without incident.
As the Golden Fang operatives drive away, Doc sees Bigfoot “creeping along after them.” Doc wonders how long and how far Bigfoot will “follow the twenty kilos before it leads him to what he thought he needed to know? Which would be what again, exactly? Who hired Adrian to kill his partner? What Adrian’s connection might be to Crocker Fenway’s principals? Whether the Golden Fang, which Bigfoot didn’t believe in to begin with, even existed?” (350)

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